Free-Floating Hostility

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Akil: Now Starrier than Ever

Even though we don't blog much anymore, every now and then something comes up that makes me want to keep FFH going, even if we only post once in a blue moon. This is one of those occasions. I was lost in thought on an elliptical machine at the UC Berkeley gym the other day when I looked up and saw Akil on TV. He has collaborated with one Kevin Michael on a new video titled "It Don't Make Any Difference to Me," which was playing on MTV U (whatever that is). I started ecstatically screaming, much to the alarm of the surrounding gym patrons. Perhaps my response was out of proportion, but it's worth celebrating when good things happen to good people. A quick search tells me that you can download the song on iTunes, along with Akil's demo album. Check out the video now--I first saw it with sound about a half hour ago and the song is seriously caught in my head.

1 Comment(s):

  •   Posted by Anonymous Anonymous at June 30, 2007 9:10 PM | Permanent Link to this Comment
  • Akil has not been the only CC '02 alum hitting up the MTV. See the link below (and then click on "The Bosch" to see who they are).

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