Free-Floating Hostility

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Iraq? It's fine, it's great

Nearly a week after John Kerry all but bent him over the podium in Miami, President Bush has finally decided to go on the attack. His new stump speech is almost entirely negative blasting Kerry for all sorts of stuff. The policy shift was summed up by this blind quote in Thursday's New York Times

"Look, the decision's been made that the president just isn't going to get into an introspective mode of 'we could have done this better,' " said one administration official who sat in on many of the campaign's strategy meetings. Such concessions, the official said, would "play right into" Mr. Kerry's argument. There was a time for Mr. Bush to make such concessions, the official said, but "that moment passed months ago."

It's hard to see how this strategy is any change at all. Perhaps it means our president will bravely risk concussion by more forcefully burying his head in the sand. I hope so. I guess the only thing we have to worry about now is Bush pulling a Cheney in the final debate and deciding on to discuss the facts in bizarro America.

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