Good for Newspapers or Bad for Newspapers?
I'm not usually one for letting the repressed and the boring dictate what appears in newspapers. But I think when this photo (potentially NSFW, depending on your point of view, I guess) comes across your desk, maybe's you've got to pass. The College Station (Texas) newspaper claims that what appears to be a schlong is actually an optical illusion, and if you think otherwise, you have a dirty mind.
Well, I have a dirty mind.
Well, I have a dirty mind.
1 Comment(s):
- Posted by Alice at March 04, 2006 10:30 AM | Permanent Link to this Comment
The Bryan-College Station Eagle is as family-friendly as you can imagine. There's a regular front-page feature called, "Why are you smiling?" with responses such as, "Because I'm going to church!" or "Because I'm going to Wal-Mart!" or "Because I'm happy!" So why not give everyone one more reason to smile?