Free-Floating Hostility

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Memory Lane

I watched (or listened to, anyway, let's face the limitations of dial-up) Akil's audition video tonight, and it reminded me of Leo. For those unfamiliar with the roster of Carman Hall alumnae, Leo was a highly Canadicized native of Hong Kong (a Honger, technically) who was Scott's roommate, a sweet guy, the only person I ever knew to have been mugged in Morningside Heights, and a nearly endless source of amusing stories. One of my favorites involved Leo's puzzlement at Akil's beat boxing (which was constant). He asked Scott one night, "Who's that guy that's always walking around going ppppthbhtbhthbhthbhthbhthbhtht?" This story is best told in person, but as I mentioned, I only have dial-up. If I ever get a web cam or similar toy, my first use of it will be a recording of Scott reproducing the spitting sound Leo made. Then, because I am directing this film, we'll get Scott to sing "Seven and a Half Cents" while dancing around in a unitard.

1 Comment(s):

  •   Posted by Anonymous Anonymous at January 25, 2005 12:07 AM | Permanent Link to this Comment
  • That's hilarious! What floor were we on back then, 11?

    good stuff


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