Free-Floating Hostility

Monday, September 12, 2005


You know what really works my nerves? Chris Rock is right about women, and I really wish he weren't.

For those of you less familiar with Chris's routines, he has postulated that women are smarter than men, and that the only reason they don't run the world is that women don't like other women. He elaborates that if you put a man between two friends of fifteen years, the friendship is off. I really wish I could just dismiss this as sexism, but the man has a valid point! I just stooped to posting on a Sports Journalists' web board because I simply couldn't stand what I was seeing. A pair of female sportswriters offered to answer every question the men had about women, and the answers they were giving worked me up into such a lather I reactivated the old email account I used to defame Josh's character on the Spec alias and joined up to put in my two cents, purely as a corrective. I couldn't in good conscience have looked away. This was the kind of wisdom being dispensed:

Q. [Pervy Sportswriter]:[Empty-headed blight on the name of Woman], ever consider a 3-some if asked? Tongue

A. [Empty-headed blight on the name of Woman]: As I mentioned before, they're only for special occasions. Or when someone buys me a new Jag.

This woman went to college!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The connection, which I realize is not foolproof, between this horse shit and women not sticking together is that the point of the above statement is to distinguish yourself from a crowd of women by being the first to sell your sisters out. Sure, I'll do whatever you want, both of us will, just pick me pick me pick me.

Are we really not past this stage yet??? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

The end. Or probably not.

1 Comment(s):

  •   Posted by Blogger BrooklynDodger at September 14, 2005 6:18 PM | Permanent Link to this Comment
  • Some insight for these attitudes among women in male attitude dominated environment may come from reading this:

    Subst Use Misuse. 2005;40(2):241-67. Related Articles, Links

    Drinking like a guy: frequent binge drinking among undergraduate women.

    Young AM, Morales M, McCabe SE, Boyd CJ, Darcy H.

    Substance Abuse Research Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

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