Free-Floating Hostility

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Newsflash: The Blog Lives Maybe

I finally wore a jacket to work yesterday morning.

After about 10 days of denial, I decided that I couldn't take the 15 yards between our front door and our car without the Google jacket I scored at Jeffy's wedding. It was at once a familiar and unfamiliar sensation. I told people when I interviewed for jobs around town that part of me was really looking forward to winter. I learned to drive in the snow and lived through 21 real winters in the Eastern United States before we set off for points west. Everyone scoffed at me, and I was informed that the farmer's almanac suggests that last year's "worst Wisconsin Winter in a century" was simply a warm-up act for this one. We'll see. I am excited for snow. I haven't woken up to a blanket of snow outside my door since Christmas Eve Day 2002. At least I think it was snow. It could, I suppose, have been an errant drug drop off (This was, after all, New Mexico). So the truth is I'm excited to see just how much of a wimp I have become.

I realize winter in Wisconsin isn't really news, or, for that matter, particularly that interesting. But walking into my office yesterday, I felt the strong urge to write about it. And I have been feeling the need to start writing for myself again for a while now. That's personal news, for which a personal blog is a perfect outlet.

So, this is to let you know that I intend to starting using this blog again. My sense is that the topics won't change much from the previous incarnation of that blog. Maybe more soccer and politics, but that's just judging from how I feel these days. Probably there will be plenty about us figuring out our new town. I don't know if Anna will have the time to blog, school keeps her pretty busy. But my guess is she'll make some appearances.

I kicked around the notion of starting a new site, but decided against that. I like the way this one reflects our life, if only to show that we didn't faithfully do this during the previous year. Plus, now that Twitter has caught on, this medium is sufficiently behind-the-times to feel worthwhile again.

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