Free-Floating Hostility

Friday, July 01, 2005

Politics return to FFH

I walked away from politics after the election, but I believe the Supreme Court fight is going to bring me back. I mean, this is the brawl that wingnuts on both sides have been priming for ever since David Souter took office. The sheer level of hyperbole coming from both sides will certainly rise to the level of performance art. I respected O'Connor because I felt like she wasn't pulling out her right-wing decoder ring on every case. So now it's time to dig in because the far right knows it can't afford to lose here. They need the judiciary to enact a platform that the pitiful little GOP hasn't advanced despite controlling every level of the federal government since for 4 1/2 years.

Let's go to the video tape: If the president had been able to move the country on social security, the Democrats wouldn't have been able to dig in and render his plans dead on arrival. The majority of Americans favor safe and rare abortion, which means that decades of GOP politicians opposing the practice hasn't moved the country. Introducing flag-burning amendments? Why not just hold a press conference to say, "Hey, we've been made totally impotent by the Democratic minority. Seriously, the Cialis isn't helping." I mean, they can't even ram through a nominee to the UN. It's getting pretty embarrassing.

The party of Karl Rove is very good at campaign tactics, defeating other people in races for office with tricks and distortions. But when there's no one to smear and they're left to stand on campaign for their ideas, the GOP can't get it done. People don't support Republican principles. I don't get how they keep getting elected.

1 Comment(s):

  •   Posted by Blogger Form at July 03, 2005 6:26 AM | Permanent Link to this Comment
  • I think O'Connor was a crappy judge as far as judges go, whose job it is to interpret statutes and law. (Though I liked her Lawrence v. Concurrence.) But she was great for the country. I believe that legislators are the ones who should represent the vast majority of the people, but due to a combination of party machinery and self-serving gerrymandering, both parties have gravtitated to the extremes. Justice O'Connor was really great at representing the majority of Americans. The General Will if you will. She held this country together for the most part. Hopefully, until Congress gets its act together and stops being extremist, hopefully the next judge will be somewhat pragmatic and sensible too. But I doubt it.

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