Free-Floating Hostility

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Fuck You, Firefox or maybe Fuck You Google

I've been shilling for Firefox everywhere I go these days, but I've just about lost my temper. For the last week, the program has crashed every time I've tried to log into the Blogger homepage. The problem started after I downloaded Google Earth. But Blogger is Google too (6 years ago that was a nonsense sentence.). You'd expect that they would compatible with each other. Maybe they just hate Mozilla. So, actually, I don't know who to blame.

I've been reduced to typing in Internet Explorer, which had fallen into disuse and now renders everything in some enormous bubble font. This is very strange indeed.

1 Comment(s):

  •   Posted by Anonymous Anonymous at September 18, 2005 8:40 AM | Permanent Link to this Comment
  • As this confused shill erroneously posted on 34 a minute ago,

    That truly does sound painful. Do you have the latest version and everything? (1.0.6?)

    sorry I ain't got no other advice.
    - sol

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