Statistics Decreases Humor Sensitivity by a Factor of 5.678
I mostly spend my days grappling with a program called SAS (Statistical Analysis Software perhaps?) and pronounced to rhyme with "grass." The program is endorsed, among others endorsers, by Bud Selig. Mike likes it because he considers it a font of puns.
"Anna can't make it to dinner tonight because she needs to finish her homework in the computer lab--she doesn't have SAS. I mean, I would have thought my wife had plenty of SAS." Wonh wonh.
"I'm not sure I want other people complimenting my wife's SAS." Zing!
For my part I have never found SAS all that funny till this afternoon, when I was reading a helfpful online tip on macro do-looping (yes it's real). I glanced at the URL of the Western Users of SAS Software: Well, I'll never forget it.
"Anna can't make it to dinner tonight because she needs to finish her homework in the computer lab--she doesn't have SAS. I mean, I would have thought my wife had plenty of SAS." Wonh wonh.
"I'm not sure I want other people complimenting my wife's SAS." Zing!
For my part I have never found SAS all that funny till this afternoon, when I was reading a helfpful online tip on macro do-looping (yes it's real). I glanced at the URL of the Western Users of SAS Software: Well, I'll never forget it.
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