Fun with Spam
Anyway, the spam filter had a bad weekend. I received mail from the following "people:"
Ophthalmology F. Gullible
Pertinacious C. Georgia
Horology P. Encircle
Frailties J. Amber
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I have a fear of sandals too. Hate them.
In the summer I won't ride on the tube because it's full of sandal wearers. Only commute to work by bicycle.
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Fritz hopes that "care about the Yankees" means hoping they will lose.
That is the case, but, as I've said before, If the Tigers aren't going to be there, I'd be happy to watch the Yankees lose the World Series every year.
I root for teams based on what players I have as keepers in fantasy baseball now. Actually, I was kind of rooting against Houston because I had Oswalt and wanted him to save his arm for next year.
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There's a lot wrong with elections in America, and gerrymandering ranks right up there with our repressive voting system. Did you read the Times Magazine article on redistricting this weekend? Beyond the fact that judges obviously can be as partisan as the rest of us, it raises interesting questions about whether creating impartial voting districts is even possible, or desirable.
There's no doubt that anything would be better than gerrymandered districts, of course.
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I'd forgo (Fargo?) the bullets before the the names and get rid of the | before the bullet and | before the comments. Otherwise, yeah, that's what it looks like when you put the name and date on top.
Thank you, Jeffrey, for your helpful suggestions. As you can see, I've taken them under advisement.
Uhuh. You did ask us what we thought, you know.
On an unrelated topic, my distorted word for posting a comment was just luvav, which is close enough to lulav to remind me that I've been meaning to blog about Sukkoth, and how I learned that an etrog is really a citron (and a lulav is a date palm frond). So that's a freebie for your comments section to make amends for pointing out errant bullets.
This format is a winner!
It works. (And this message is proof that I still exist.)
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Happy belated birthday!
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Some notes on this post:
That's a shot: Anna is really good at insulting people, but in that case using the line would get lost. This is how I like to use it:
Anna: Hmmm, Nelson Mandela is starting to look his age.
Mike: That's a shot!
Massages and Hot Chocolate: Anna only hinted at the etymology of this one. During the filming of War of the Worlds Tom "Well-Adjusted" Cruise had Scientologist volunteers on the set to give members of the crew massages and hot chocolate as they worked long days. And since everything about Scientology is hilarious, there you go.
Where was the phrase "throw under the bus" come from? It's kind of a sports talk thing. Googling didn't help.
[ps: the word verification is getting long, in this case ebhxsgsy]
I don't think you're allowed to mention G--gle in the comments section. Or something. They always get pissed at that.
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Personally, Judith Miller is part of the problem, and is a guilty victim. She shilled the war, maybe for personal prestige, maybe for anti-islam reasons...She was really trying to cover up for Libby and the Administration. Libby's letter to her was almost a mash note. Her inability to remember how Plame's name got into her notes suggests incompetence as a reporter - her reputation traded on getting access to the administration spin meisters, not reporting.
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Impolite question: In addition to regular leopards, can cameleopards get the flu?
Followup question: If so, do they cease to be so darn cute?
Thanks for the information, Bananaleopard.
I was trying to figure why cameleopards were so familar. I actually remembered that I just read about them in Gibbons' Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. How coincidental.
I have turned up no evidence of caleopard flu. However, I have found a number of mentions of a flu outbreak in 1826 which came to be known as Giraffe Flu, due it seems to the popularity of a certain giraffe around Paris that year.
Obviously that was supposed to be cameleopard.
Okay, that's still terribly cute then.
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Someone told me the colloquial term for giardia infection is "beaver fever."
Oh, dang, I thought you were going to sell "neophrasism." Nice one!
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Actually, it's "Sk8er Boi."
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Yeah, but what do you call the state change of solid directly to gas?
As you perfectly well know (and I know you know because you got 100 on the Chemistry regents in 1995, and I know that cause you told me), when a solid changes directly into a gas without stopping at the liquid phase, that is called sublimation. The relatively esoteric reverse process is known as either deposition or desublimation. And it's a phase change, not a state change. A state change is something you get after an election in Congo.
You're sweet to humor me, though.
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The train story raised ads for amtrack and the following offering on ebay:
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Do you guys get anything for me clicking on the ads at the bottom?
Google won't pay us until we rack up $100 worth of click throughs, whatever those are.
But I'm also supposed to say "ixnay on the alkingtay aboutay hetay adsay."
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Because of her last name, I thought she might have been married to a general in the Imperial Army. Being so closely connected to the Empire, I knew for certain what her views are on abortion, gay rights, etc. However, I double-checked and realized that the general I was thinking of was named Veers, not Miers. Boy was I wrong! Still, if you check out his biography, I think most of their views should still be quite similar.
Anyway, there was a rumor going around the dinner table last night that her life partner is Condi. Spread the word.
That's cute. The next president dating a Supreme Court justice. So much for the separation of powers.
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I disapprove of the free-standing "meta" as an adjective. Meta-what?
Oh, and a happy and healthy 5766. Love to you all.
If y'all want gravitas, you are invited to Teaneck next year. Five and a half hours, baby.
First Jeff'y, now you, when did we all start using "y'all?"
I don't know about you, but I started saying it in Hobbs.
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Are Anna's two biggest fears really confusion and infinity? I'm asking as a fan of both.
Really. I'm suprised you didn't know that already.
And this is why you won't read Infinite Jest? (Which, I'll admit, is a pretty damn confusing book.)
I am kind of scared of the dark. Come to think of it, that fear is kind of like confusion and infinity wrapped up into a ball. I don't know if that is my greatest fear though. Clowns are pretty high up there.
I won't read Infinite Jest because whoever borrowed your copy never gave it back. That sounds like it has a clown in it, too, though.
It's arguable whether it has clowns, but as it doesn't have much makeup I feel they're not so scary.
- sol
Infinite Jest does not have clowns. Ummm, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't. Scotter is the only one who would really know.
I bought a new copy because with the White People in Boston, I didn't think I had much chance of getting it back from Ryan's friend. And I obviously couldn't be without a copy, as situations arise in which I need to skim it looking for clowns.